Possible conservation threats to Toxostoma guttatum include:
- Habitat destruction associated with hurricanes, especially Gilbert (severe damage, 14 September 1988) and Roxanne (10-11 October 1995)
- Introduced predators, especially Boa constrictor (boa snakes)
Boas introduced on Cozumel in 1971; released by commercial movie crew at termination of film project. Now abundant throughout Cozumel. Young boas are strongly arboreal and are a known predator of birds. Photographs from Cozumel © Robert L. Curry
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Research on Cozumel's boas is currently being conducted by Cristopher Gonzalez-Baca and Alfredo Cuarón of the Departamento de Ecología de los Recursos Naturales, Instituto do Ecología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Morelia, Michoacán |
- Human development & associated land-use change (fragmentation, degradation)
- Introduced diseases
References about conservation threats to Cozumel's vertebrates:
Cuarón, A. D., M. A. Martínez-Morales, K. W. McFadden, D. Valenzuela, and M. E. Gompper. 2004. The status of dwarf carnivores on Cozumel Island, Mexico. Biodiversity and Conservation 13:317-331 (pdf reprint)
Martínez-Morales, M. A., and A. D. Cuarón. 1999. Boa constrictor, an introduced predator threatening the endemic fauna on Cozumel Island, Mexico. Biodiversity and Conservation 8:957-963 (abstract)
Macouzet F., T., and P. Escalante Pliego. 2001. Registros del Cuitlacoche de Cozumel Toxostoma guttatum posteriores al Huracán Gilberto. Cotinga 15: 32-33